Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some Information

so like the lochness monster was found in 1933 by and old sailer going fishing that is a long time a go. It was spoted in scottlen so they think it was a ling line of a  plesiosaurs. I think that there might be steal some dinosuars still liveing tell today. im going to show you a picture of the Lochness Monster and the Plesiosaurs.

Plesiosaurs. on the left                                                                     
Lochness monster.on the right




  1. You did a great job on your first three posts. I really like the video with the loch ness monster swim and scary the fish away. But you need to work on the information a liite a bit more. The photos yougot of the what they think the loch ness monters looks like are good photos. Also the photo of the Plesiosuars.

  2. That looked cool. But is thre really a difference in the lochness monster, and the Plesiosaurs. Just wondering. Anyway, everything looks good. Good job.
