Wednesday, December 21, 2011


According to legend, Goatman is a axe-wielding, half-man, half- animal creature that was once a scientist who worked in the Beltsville Agriculture Research Center. The tale holds that he was experimenting on goats, the experiment whent astray, and he began attaking cars with an axe, roaming the backroads of Beltsvill, MD. A variation of the legend tells a Goatman as an old hermit who moved in the woods, and walking alone at night along Fletchertown Road.

                                                Her is a picture about the Goatman

                                          Im going to show you a picture about the gaotman.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that was crazy. The picture makes you wanna know more and more about (The Goatman). To see if its really real or if you are messing around. I love the video didn't really think you would be able to find a video. And dang he really does look like a devil for sure.
